Advent Lutheran Church

Serving + Ministries

We are called to serve in different ways, using the gifts that God has given us. 

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit." - I Corinthians 12:4

Advent also has a "Care and Connection Team" that coordinates care and attention to our shut-in members, as well as overseeing outreach. To participate in any of these opportunities, email: 

Christian Education Ministry

Young Hands folded o top of Bible

To assist Pastor(s) with confirmation instruction and learning. Also assist the pastor in teaching the annual First Holy Communion Preparation Saturday Session.

Confirmation + Small Group Leaders

Under the leadership of Hannah Darmofal - Youth Director, children in 6th through 12th grade meet together to deepen their understanding of Jesus’ message, participate in various outreach activities, engage in fellowship and explore increased responsibility in their roles as church members.

Youth Group at the beach


Open Bible - studying

Through reading and discussion, we gather to gain a deeper understanding of scripture and how it applies to our lives every day. We partner with Willistown UMC for this study, simultaneously via zoom and in person. We also have a monthly prayer Meeting with WCCEC.

Adult Bible Study/Prayer Meeting

Worship + Music Ministry

Crucifer - a person carrying a cross or crucifix in a procession. To lead Acolyte(s), Pastor(s), Assisting Minister(s) and Choir into worship by carrying the cross, then lead the recessional at the end of the designated service and feast days.

Ushers - To greet members and guests in worship; pass out bulletins; receive offering; tidy up church following worship.

Acolyte - To assist in worship by lighting/extinguishing altar candles; bringing offering plates forward to ushers; receiving offering plates from usher; leading choir from sanctuary following worship.

Assisting Minister - To assist Pastor(s) in worship with prayers and distribution of communion.

Altar Guild - Altar Guild volunteers prepare the altar for the 10:30 service each week, or the 9:00 service when there is only one service. When Holy Communion is shared, bread, wine and grape juice are setup before worship service and cleanup occurs after worship service. If a baptism occurs, the baptismal font is filled and cleaned. The paraments are changed with the church seasons.

Lay Readers - To read the assigned Scripture lessons, other than the Gospel Reading, during Sunday worship and other scheduled services.

Powerpoint Operator - To advance the slides projected on the screen throughout the service.

Soundboard Operator - To monitor and adjust sound levels of vocal and instrumental musical offerings as well as spoke parts of the service.

Greeters - To greet members and guests as they approach the church entrance.

Chancel Choir - In addition to leading liturgy and hymns each Sunday, Chancel Choir members prepare one or two anthems for each 10:30 a.m. worship service, often singing together with a soloist, instrumentalists, and/or the Children's Choir. They also provide additional music for special festive occasions.

Hand bell Choir - Play Preludes, accompany hymns, anthems and solos. Choir chimes may sometimes be used.

Children’s Choir - Make an incredibly joyous noise unto the Lord! Sing at many services and add rhythm instruments to some anthems.

Instrumentalist - Beautify special worship services and, periodically, regular worship services by playing prelude music. Provide uplifting music to the congregation and deliver the gospel through contemporary Christian music.

Praise Team - Adding your voice or instruments to worship in a more contemporary manner. The praise team sings in person and also records their musical offerings individually and then they are combined to make videos that are shared during worship and on YouTube.


Hospitality Ministry


Coffee Hour + More

Hospitality encompasses a number of initiatives, including our weekly Sunday coffee and refreshments, our Oktoberfest fundraiser, our annual September Kick-off Picnic, and special lunches and meal preparation. Our varied ministries here aim to ensure that Advent is a warm and welcoming environment, providing diverse fellowship opportunities.


Social Caring Ministry

Group of Quilters and quilt


This group meets monthly to sew quilts for the newly-baptized and for those going through a difficult times.

Salvation Army + Chester County Food Bank Support

Members sign up to provide a meal for 30 to 40 individuals through the Salvation Army of West Chester, PA, once per month. We also collect food weekly for the Chester County Food Bank.

Welcome sign

Welcome Bags

Volunteers are needed to provide bags and prepare the information to be included in the bags. We offer welcome bags to any person new to visiting Advent Lutheran Church.

Environmental Ministry

globe in the grass graphic

Be and go Green!

Advent is environmentally conscious. All of our heating equipment consists of ultra-high-efficiency natural gas units. We recycle and provide a dumpster for community members to drop off their clean paper/cardboard. We partnered with PECO Energy to make use of LED lighting throughout our interior and in our parking lot, reducing our electrical consumption by more than 30%. We maintain extensive Perennial Gardens surrounding our property.

Leadership + Committee Ministry

Church Council - Represent the congregation in making key decisions on financial and facility or personnel issues. Council communicates with committees and with the congregation through minutes published after each meeting and through semi-annual congregational meetings.

Financial Secretary - The Financial Secretary tracks member pledges and weekly contributions and may assist with the budgeting process. It is important that pledges and contributions are kept confidential.

Finance Committee - To develop the congregation's annual budget to support its mission and monitor spending and income

Evangelism - Evangelism is the act of inviting others to be baptized and to become a member of the church.

Mutual Ministry - To support the staff and also to be a sounding board for staff and members when issues arrive.

Worship and Music Committee - Planning all aspects of worship, both regular Sunday AM services as well as special holiday events.  This committee meets about 8 times per year and works closely with staff and volunteers.

Care and Connections Team (CCT): This committee's focus is on the word "Connect"  Community, Outreach, Newcomers, Neighbors, Engagement, Caring and Togetherness.  We offer initiatives throughout the year, provide volunteer staff for the welcome center in our church Narthex (Lobby), write notes and engage in with organizations that strengthen our community, including Veterans.

Property Ministry

Collage of Property Ministry

Property Maintenance - Members strive to maintain Advent building and grounds to be attractive and fully functional both in supporting the mission of the congregation and in serving as a gathering place for community groups and service organizations. This ministry makes use of local contractors and the volunteer labors of members. In recent years, much of the interior has been repainted and many improvements have been made to an already modern facility that is handicap accessible.

Meals Ministry

Take Them A Meal Graphic

If you are interested in providing meals or are in a need of a meal, please contact our church office by calling 610 436 0807 or emailing Advent has begun this meal ministry through the website You do not need to register to use the website and anyone can sign up to request a meal for themselves or others. The website is easy-to-use and self-explanatory. Once the “event” (time span for the meals) is created, it can be emailed out to a group of people. This ministry is coordinated by Kathy Tubbs.

Advent Meals Ministry