Advent Lutheran Church

Online Giving

Use your Credit/Debit Card or Checking/Savings account for one-time or recurring donations to Advent.

Advent has contracted with Vanco Payment Solutions /e.Services for this contribution option. Using Vanco, you can setup an automatic charge to your credit/debit card or through automatic withdrawal from your checking/savings account. Either one-time or recurring donations can be done through the service. No checks are needed; it's all electronic! Once set up, Vanco automatically initiates a charge to your authorized account to Advent in an amount pre-determined by you, and on a time schedule/frequency that you establish. There is no additional cost to the contributor beyond the donation amount. Whether you are in-town or out-of-town, Vanco ensures that your contribution makes it to Advent right on schedule! For recurring contributions, you can modify the amount or schedule at any time by logging into the Vanco system.

Payments for retreats, such as Youth activities, are able to be paid online. Additional donations to specified ministries and appeals may also be paid online.

Advent pays a nominal fee to offer this service, which is more than offset by reduced administration expenses.

Getting started is easy!

Before you begin, you will need to have your credit/debit card or your checking/savings account information handy.

FAQs - Online Giving


What is online giving?

Online Giving is a direct paperless debit/payment transaction whereby your contribution is deducted electronically from your bank checking or savings account or charged directly to your credit/debit card account.

How secure is my online donation?

At Advent, we are serious about maintaining the confidentiality of your personalized financial information. Your online donation request is submitted in encrypted form to ensure confidentiality through a secure website. Encryption obscures sensitive information to make it unreadable to those not intended to receive it. Vanco Payment Solutions is a PCI Level 1 Compliant Service Provider, which is to say they use the most secure and up-to-date data management systems.


Do I receive a confirmation receipt?

Yes. A confirmation page with a message appears after a donation or payment is submitted. For individuals who have set up a profile allowing them to manage their own transaction activity, Vanco automatically sends an email confirming all changes made to their payment plan or personal profile.


What is supported through the Capital Fund?

The Capital fund supports needed infrastructure repairs such as for the new heater and other major projects.

What are the advantages of online giving?

It is a simple and convenient way to easily fulfill stewardship commitments and support the ministries of Advent, even when you can’t attend church. It provides not only a secure, paperless and convenient option, but allows you to establish a disciplined giving pattern. You may never have to bring cash or checks to church again!

Can I change my donation amount, frequency, bank account information, credit card expiration date, or any other online giving option once I’ve established a recurring donation?

Yes, these services are available with the Online Giving program.


How do I sign up for electronic giving?

You can set up the donation yourself online through our website and click on the Donate Now button on the Home Page or clicking the Online-Giving tab to navigate to this page then click on the Donate Now button above.


Can I try out the online giving service by giving one time?

Yes. You may try Online Giving by selecting “One Time” in the frequency drop down box during the signup process. You will see how easy and convenient the process really is.

When will my contributions be deducted from my account?

Your electronic contribution will be debited on the date you specify.

Without a canceled check, how can I prove I made a contribution?

Your bank statement will provide you an itemized list of any electronic transactions and your donations will be summarized on your regular giving statements prepared by our Financial Secretary.


What is supported through the General Fund?

The General fund supports all aspects of Advent's mission to Worship, Invite, Nurture and Serve. It pays for budget items such as salaries, worship, and Christian education resources, building mortgage and utilities/insurance/maintenance, support of the synod, and outreach.


How do I participate in the weekly offering if my contribution is automatically deducted from my banking account or is charged to my credit/debit card account?

If you wish, you may write “I’m giving online” on your offering envelope and place it in the offering plate, but it is not necessary.

What credit cards are accepted?

credit card images

We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Please keep in mind that credit card acceptance is for your convenience. Advent promotes sound financial management and does not encourage anyone to enter into debt in order to make a contribution. We suggest this option not be used unless you plan to pay off your credit card balances in full each month.

Is there more detailed information available on Advent's On-line Giving program?

Yes, click here to view more in-depth details on the program. On Line Giving Announcement

If I have more questions?

If you have questions about Online Giving, email Church Administrator Jenn Miller at with your questions.

Who is Vanco Services?

Vanco Payment Solutions, LLC, is our on line giving service provider. Vanco is a financial technology service company that provides electronic funds transfer services to over 11,000 churches nationwide. Information received by Vanco is processed in a secure, confidential environment. Vanco is recommended by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) as an Online-Giving vendor. As an ELCA church, Advent receives a discount from Vanco for these services.