Advent Preschool + Childcare

Health + Safety Procedures

We are implementing the following Health + Procedures at Advent Preschool + Childcare:

Sick Policy

Our sick policy requires students and staff to be fever, diarrhea and vomit-free for 72 hours before returning to work/school.

Car Line

Teachers will assist your child out of the car. Students will enter the building using 2 sets of doors.

Snack + Lunch

During snack and lunch, the students will be seated by class in our snack room. Tables are disinfected before and after use. This allows us to accommodate children with food allergies and sensitivities in a safe manner.

Hand Washing, Cleaning + Disinfection

Our staff will ensure the children are using proper hand-washing techniques. Hand-washing breaks will be built into each class schedule. We also have hand sanitizer in every classroom and in the snack room as well as in other locations throughout the building. Staff will routinely clean, sanitize, and disinfect all surfaces, toys and other objects that are frequently touched. Our building is cleaned 3 times a week. Our bathrooms will be disinfected after each use.


Advent Preschool does not currently contact trace any illness. We do ask that you make us aware if your student has a communicable illness. 3 cases of such an illness (strep, influenza, COVID, Hand Foot and Mouth) in one classroom will result in the class being closed for a minimum of 24 hours.


Please send your child to school with a refillable water bottle. Water fountains are not used by the staff or students except to refill water bottles.