Advent Lutheran Church

Investing in Our Future

After celebrating 50 years of history, we determined all of our flat roofs needed to be removed and replaced.  A greener PVC material was selected and installed in 2021, funded by the Under This Roof Campaign.  Advent now anticipates embracing our future as the Under This Roof Campaign also enables further investments in our mission.

At the halfway mark of this 3 year campaign, in November of 2022, we celebrated having raised about 71% of the campaign's original $300,000 goal and provided an update on future planned investments. 

  • Improving our appearance from 352. We addressed a long leaning electrical box and eliminated a side box.. An Eagle Scout Project will re landscape the area/paint the box. The crosses will be moved to make them more visible. We are developing a plan to replace/improve the appearance of the windows on 352 that are part of our original sanctuary.

  • Capital improvements. Projects have been identified/prioritized -ranging from new sanctuary entrance doors to the upcoming needed replacement of Sanctuary HVAC. First, late in 2022, main restroom floors and partitions will be replaced with other improvements to follow in 2023. Already-identified Eagle Scout projects such as the sacristy renewal will be funded.

  • Strengthening Youth Ministry. A newly created youth task force met several times. We helped form the WC church youth group collaborative We plan the eventual hiring of a part-time youth coordinator to assist with scheduling, communicating, planning, and leading youth events. A parking lot basketball net for older neighborhood youth will be added in 2023.

  • Electronic Sign. We are reviewing options for an electronic sign. Maybe only for the traffic sees for an extended period with a less costly permanent/more legible sign for the other side.

  • Ending our $2,500 monthly mortgage payment sooner. Currently scheduled to be paid off in March of 2026. Each $2,200 extra now paid toward our mortgage principal would end mortgage payments one month sooner, freeing up additional funds for outreach and our mission.

Watch for upcoming announcements as our investments for the future are more clearly defined.

Children and youth are not just the church of tomorrow. They are the church of today, as they too fulfill Advent's mission to worship, invite, nurture and serve.