Advent Lutheran Church

Worship With Us

Many ways to worship - all are welcome!

  • Church service in person


    Summer Hours

    Memorial Day - Labor Day 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM. One service per month during the summer is held outside at 8:30 AM

  • Children Coloring in Sunday School


    Sunday School 9:15 AM. Children may worship with their parents before leaving for Sunday School.

  • Child watching online worship through zoom


    Email for the link or watch on our YouTube channel at your convenience
    Click here

Each Sunday at Advent, members and guests gather around Word (Bible readings followed by a message from the Pastor) and Sacrament (receiving Holy Communion, as Jesus taught us to do this in remembrance of Him). Worship is central to us who are followers of Jesus Christ! Worship is a time for us to meet the Living God.

Our worship includes:

  • Singing songs of praise and hymns that speak to God and speak of God's power, love, and mercy. While sometimes the words may not feel like they are our words, hearing others sing these words reminds us that we belong to a community of faith that is larger than ourselves.

  • Prayer, where we have an opportunity to focus our hearts on thanking God for the blessings of life and asking God for guidance and strength to face life's challenges.

  • A brief order of Confession and Forgiveness, where we are invited to silently focus on our failings and sin, receiving the promise of God's forgiveness and love through Jesus Christ OR a call to worship centered on the Church Calendar.

We are blessed to have an Adult Choir, Praise Team, and an Adult Bell Choir to enrich our worship. They participate in various services on a rotating basis. Occasionally our Sunday School and Preschool children gather to sing for our worship service!

Advent's worship services last about an hour. Music is central to our services. Sometimes, special solo/instrumental offerings inspire those that gather. While we are a liturgical church, following an ancient pattern of worship that stretches back to the 4th century, including the Apostles' Creed, Lord's Prayer, and Kyrie, and a church calendar (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Epiphany, Pentecost), our services include a wide variety of musical styles and make full use of today's technology. A screen displays the words of nearly everything that is said, or sung, and also presents images that relate to the various parts of the service.

Children are welcome in worship. They are invited to come forward for a Children's Message each week. Some parents have their children attend part of the 9:00 AM service before they head to Sunday School.

There are many opportunities for you to participate in worship, whether by adding your voice to the congregation or adding your voice to a choir/praise team, lesson reader, or worship assistant. Training will be provided for those who wish to serve as an usher, greeters, readers, or communion assistants. If you would like to serve in this manner, even if you are not a member, contact the church office. Elementary-age children can serve as acolytes or have other roles in the service.

Guests are always welcome!

Advent offers weekly Bible study with Williston UMC on Thursdays, 10 AM, in person and via Zoom and a monthly Prayer meeting with WC Community Church via zoom.  For more information and/or the zoom link, please email or call the church office at 610 436-0807.

Christopher J. Franz, Pastor

1601 Green Lane West Chester, PA 19382
Route 352, 1/8 mile south of West Chester Pike
PHONE: 610-436-0807